Friday, December 4, 2009

Invite from Lisa Monet: PARENTS' CHOICE AWARD 2009- Special events and special discount on her music!

Two special events are coming right up, which you'll see below on the "Show Bill".  The "Sing in the New Year" is sponsored by PBS station KEET-TV in partnership with First 5 Humboldt.  Their programs enhance family learning time through "The Learning Triangle".  read more...   I hope to see you at this and also at the special Montessori benefit concert---tomorrow!

In the spirit of all the good cheer going around, all my CDs are being offered for half-price through the rest of the year when you order them from the great folks at CD Baby  They make it easy and fun!

Magical, musical, holiday wishes,

"Monet captures the timeless grace and innocence of childhood."  PARENTS' CHOICE AWARD 2009

Just follow the "Stepping Stones": Lyric Page Designed by Eva Paige Burk

It is so delightful to have my lyrics on scrap book pages beautifully designed by Paige!

Here is her design for my song, "Stepping Stones".

(please click photo to view)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pink Glove Dance

This is a very special dance for a very special cause! It will put a smile on your face.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Children's Songwriting Fun: "Hi, Little Lady Bug!"

Children are so talented! Look what they can do when they are just having fun!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summertime Fun: Bring It In! by Linda Kay Burk

It's summertime and Eliza and Madi are doing things they love to do. What makes you happy?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

An Earth Friendly Song: She Planted the Seeds by Linda Kay Burk

Love the earth and share in its bounties. Nothing feels better than to plant a garden in the warm sunshine. Children love to do this! Families can spend quality time together growing beautiful flowers and healthy food to eat. Are you planting the seeds? Seeds of beauty, health, and joy!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

When I'm Having A Bad Day

This simple song puts a smile on my face!

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Dolphin Song- Mother, "Live in the Moment, Now!" by Linda Kay Burk

Floating over the clear blue water in our small boat, I saw the most magical sight. In the distance, two tiny dolphins were twirling and spinning into the sky. Watching close by was their mother. I could just imagine those little ones callling to their mother to join them in their play. As the musical sound of the dolphin's squeals filled the air, a song came into my heart" - Linda Kay Burk

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Positive Music: Sunshine is Love

 "Peaceful Melodies to Calm and Encourage Your Child"

It has been fun to have a new CD released this month!  Everyone agrees that Barry Hansen at did a great job on the bright, whimsical cover.  His talents are really appreciated.  

Soon, I will be sharing a few of my new songs with a local kindergarten class, where they are planting some seeds for springtime.  ("She Planted the Seeds")  

Getting feedback that my  lullabies are helping children of all ages sleep better, is also rewarding.   It is a joy to add positives to a child's world!

I am pleased to share my first review of "Sunshine is Love".  It is a product of one of my favorite sites for Indie artists.

"Sunshine is Love" by Linda Kay Burk (Kids Artist from California(CA))

Singer/songwriter Linda Kay Burk has released another splendid album, titled "Sunshine is Love." Burk has captured the essence of writing finely crafted children's songs that soothe and comfort the mind and spirit. Her vocals are soft and peaceful while the lyrics are uplifting and relaxing. Burk's lullabies such as "Rainbow Bubble," with its soothing melody, will have any child fast asleep. "Heaven Is All Around Me" is an inspirational song layered with sweet strings and a gentle piano accompaniment. "She Planted the Seeds" is a playful ballad with syncopated rhythms and is filled with delightful lyrics about planting a garden. Linda Kay Burk's "Sunshine is Love" is a wonderful collection of songs filled with dreamy melodies that all children will love to hear.

-Diane and The Reviewer Team  

To hear my songs please check out

About Me

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Roseville, CA, United States
Linda Kay Burk Captures the Magic of Childhood There are very few people in the world that can actually truly find the child within and bring joy to children and families through music. Inside Linda Kay Burk's mind exists a fun, mystical, and exciting place where princesses, griffins and other creatures of fantasy roam. It's like the perfect birthday party, or a “Rainbow Bubble”, a song featured on her new album “Sunshine Is Love”. Linda must own a pair of ruby slippers, because she is able to find the childlike part of herself and turn it into a song for everyone to enjoy. Linda Kay Burk's albums have something for every age group. From inspiration and light, to hope and wisdom, there are messages within each song that will lift you to new heights and help you to enjoy and be grateful for all the good things in your life. Find out more about Linda Kay Burk's amazing talent for capturing the child within and delivering brilliant magic wrapped up in a love-driven, motivational and musical package. ~Fiverr